How To Choose The Type Of Social Media That Works Best For Your Business

How To Choose The Type Of Social Media That Works Best For Your Business

As the number of social media platforms continues to grow, it can be overwhelming to constantly wonder if each one is worth your time.

To avoid spending a lot of time getting used to each of the new platforms, make sure your social media marketing strategy guides you and only participate in networks that support your goals.

However, before we can get into the specifics, it’s important to understand why Social Media Marketing is important for your business

Why Use Social Media For Your Business?

There are many reasons why you may want to use social media for your business. Here are some of the top five benefits:

1) Improving brand awareness: Being active on social media helps you stand out and remember your name throughout the day. With enough exposure, you can attract more interested people and see your brand’s content.

2) Connect with Customers: It’s a beginner’s mistake to think that your business needs to be “discontinued”. Instead, social media opens the line of communication between you and your customer base. This will reduce the churn rate and lead to future repeaters.

3) Increase SEO: Promote your content on social media to increase your likes, viewing, sharing, and engagement with your content. Then increase traffic to your website and increase page views. These are all positive signs of Google-like search engines, and these factors can help improve your SEO.

Know Your Audience

The first question to ask yourself before joining the new social media platform is: Where is your audience?

It makes more sense to go where the viewer is already than to join the new platform and direct the viewer there.

Next, you need to understand how your audience is using this platform. What kind of content are they looking for? What kind of account are they tracking? Are they passive consumers or content creators?

The targeted demographic can make a huge difference in choosing the type of Social Media Marketing platform you want to use. For example, if you’re gearing toward an audience that watches long, informational, video-based content then YouTube is the place to go. If you’re primarily looking to gear to an audience that is above the ages of 25 to under 70, then a Facebook marketing agency might be one of your best choices. Instagram and TikTok marketing is better suited to your business if you want to gear your services to a younger audience that watches fast-paced content.

Some Of The Top Platforms For Businesses

Here’s a list of some of the best platforms utilized by social media marketing agency for your business.


How does this platform generate so much revenue? Facebook ads.

Facebook has over 1 billion active users every day. So it’s no surprise that it has become one of the best ways to find your target audience, create mailing lists, and attract new customers. But that’s not all.

It’s also a great place to interact with your customers once they get their attention. Many companies choose to create private groups on a platform where paid customers can participate, interact, ask questions, and have a branded personalized experience.

Facebook’s user base has slowed significantly in recent years, but it’s arguably one of the best social media platforms for SMEs in 2020.


Instagram is as close as possible to an “overnight success story.” Within two months of Instagram’s release in 2010, it had over one million users. Today, with more than 1 billion users each day, it is one of the leading social media platforms for business.

Instagram started as a photo-sharing platform and is still the main application. However, it has been extended to include videos in a feature called “story”. That’s why Instagram is a great way for brands to literally (rather than say) their products, values, and voices. So, as you can imagine, Instagram is a great lead generation tool and is often utilized by us, an Instagram marketing agency in Toronto

From the beginning, Twitter had a great marketing strategy with character limits. Businesses, journalists, celebrities, and even the president, for better or for worse, use Twitter every day to share stories, news stories, and humorous anecdotes.

Whenever you use Twitter for your business, you’ll always find a way to monetize your platform. Part of this includes differentiating yourself from your competitors, continuing to engage your audience, and adding valuable content to every post.

Also Read: How to Increase Social Media Engagement