How to Increase Social Media Engagement

How to Increase Social Media Engagement

Engagement is one of the most important ways to measure social media marketing. It can tell you how your content is being received and help you bring a new look to your account.

Engagement includes likes, comments, shares, and reactions that users have about your content. Likes and comments can be considered vanity metrics, but they still help instruct the algorithm to reach more people.

It’s important to monitor your engagement if you want to grow your audience or increase your brand awareness. One of the traps people fall into is to focus too much on non-functional engagement tactics, such as following random people who are expecting a response, commenting on random posts, and liking them

We, as a company that has been providing SMM services in Toronto, Canada, The US, Pakistan and The UAE have compiled a list for you to follow.

Not Just To Sell

One of the mistakes many people make on social media when getting social media marketing services in Canada Toronto is being too focused on selling services and products. Your audience needs to know what you can do for them, but no one wants to follow or get involved in a series of ads.

It is important to find a balance between promoting your business and delivering value to your followers. Some suggest that the 80/20 principle should be followed. 80% of the content is value-based and 20% of content sells products or services.

What is considered worth may vary from viewer to viewer. Therefore, it is useful to analyze what type of content worked well in the past and learn what to post in the future. You can also ask your viewers what they want to see at any time. Keep in mind that valuable content should be interesting, educational, or motivating.


Trends are a great way to be discovered by new people on social media. Posting with trendy music, hashtags, and memes is more likely to be shared with new viewers. It’s also more likely to appear on the discovery page because it’s related to other content that a particular user is interested in. However, the

A trend isn’t limited to TikTok’s dance and funny photos. Trends can include anything related to world news or events, or conversations on social media. Posting content that is related to what people are experiencing can be emotional, which can lead to more engagement.

However, creativity is essential when following trends. People don’t want to see the same over and over again. When embracing a trend and associating it with industry, it’s worth sharing and discussing. You can increase your engagement by creating this conversation.

One of the trends that won’t go away soon is short video content. The average engagement rate for short videos is 53.9%. What started with TikTok is now expanding as Instagram introduces Lille, highlights it with new video features, and continues to reward it.

Make Your Brand Personal

Decoding the algorithm can be difficult, but there is certainly one thing you know. Social media promotes social interaction. Looking at the people behind them makes them much more comfortable and allows them to feel connected to the company. Building relationships with people is essential to facilitating engagement.

One easy way to do this is to show your face in videos, feeds, and stories. You can build connections between people by displaying more than just well-thought-out graphics and product photos. According to a survey, 86% of people prefer a genuine brand with a distinctive character to a brand that looks far away. When planning your social media calendar, don’t be afraid to show flaws and your credibility.

Post At The Best Time

Different companies have different times when it’s best to publish their content. It all depends on who your target audience is and when they are active on social media. For example, a businessman doing 9-5 jobs can be most active after lunch break or after returning home from work.

Don’t forget the optimal number of mail days. Some brands give the best results on weekends, while others are better posted on weekdays.

Purely chronological feeds are almost gone, but the algorithm still takes time into account when ranking posts. If you post when your viewers aren’t active, your content is more likely to not appear at the top of your feed, and your viewers are less likely to see and engage with your content.

For this reason, it is important to define your company’s target groups and buyer personas.

You can find the best time by examining your audience analysis of your social media accounts. You can see when your followers are most active, that is when they post.

Each account has its own optimal posting time based on the audience, but there is research on when the optimal posting time is generally. Also, some experimentation may be required to find the best time for you.

Dialogue With Viewers

Finally, if you want your viewers to enjoy your content, you need to interact with them first. It is important to be genuine and genuine. Interacting with your potential audience helps you discover you and encourages them to re-engage with you.

Instagram and Facebook have created stickers for use in stories that are gold mines for engagement. Sliders, polls, and questions can be asked quickly and easily. Ask questions using these stickers to facilitate conversation. If people react, you need to interact with them.


We, as a social media marketing agency in Canada Toronto, the US, Pakistan and The UAE have provided some tips that if you follow, can expect to see great results for your social media marketing campaign. However, if you aren’t seeing results, it’s best to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate some of the choices you’ve been making.

Also Read: Designing an Integrated Social Media Marketing Strategy