Step 4: Measure The Success And Continuous Improvement Of Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

Measure The Success And Continuous Improvement Of Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

Once you have completed your campaign. It is important to measure the success of your campaign to understand what works and what doesn’t. This allows you to change your social media marketing campaign strategy for future campaigns.

First, evaluate the smart’s goals, if you have achieved them. To run a successful social media campaign. it is significant to set goals at the beginning of your campaign so that you can easily measure your success. For example, if your campaign goal was to “increase website traffic from social media by 20%,” you can measure success by checking website and URL clicks.

Then evaluate if the content has been consumed by the viewer. To do this, go back to the customer persona you created at the beginning of the campaign. The more specific the customer’s persona, the easier it is to measure success.

The easiest way to access this information is to use insights. Social media insights can tell you where your viewers are, their age group, their gender, and their most active time. Next, calculate the return on investment (ROI).

ROI is a great way to see how social media marketing is impacting sales growth. The formula for the ROI is: ROI = (Profit-Cost) Cost x 100 Your profit is the amount you earn from selling through your paid ads, and your spending is the amount you paid during your campaign.

The Best Social Media Indicators To Measure Success

Social media metrics are data collected from your social media accounts and can be used to track the success of your social media. The most popular and highly useful metrics include engagements, reach, follower growth, website clicks, and response rate.

Track Engagement

Engagements on social media refer to how many people interact with your content. Likes, shares, comments, replies, retweets, and saves are all a part of engagements. Engagements are an excellent way to see how many people are interested in your content and may buy your product and or service.

Engagements can also help you understand what type of content is resonating with your audience and what`s not. As an example, a restaurant might rate engagement after a campaign and find that food videos are rated higher and shared than photos. Now the restaurant understands how to use the video in the next campaign.

Track Reach And Impressions

Reach is the number of users who have viewed your content in your feed or timeline, and impressions are the total number of users who have viewed your content.

In this example, you have posted two photos on the timeline, both viewed by 500 followers. In other words, 500 people viewed the content, so the reach is 500, but each user interacts with the content twice, so the impression is 1000.

Reach is an important social media indicator because it shows the potential of your content and its impact on your audience. For example, if you have a high reach but not a lot of content likes, you know something isn’t working. Track the growth of your follower’s that represents the number of followers you’ve earned on a particular platform over a specific period.

Follower growth is typically included in account insights, but it can also be calculated using the following formula: (Number of followers acquired ÷ Number of followers you started) x 100% Follower growth is a great indicator for supporting your brand and measuring the number of people connected to your content.

Be sure to track your follower growth throughout your social media marketing campaign so that you can monitor your follower’s growth spikes and declines.

If possible, I would like to gradually increase the growth of my followers to show that people are enjoying your content and want to see more. If you see a decline in your follower’s growth, analyze the content you’re posting when the decline occurs. This will give you a better understanding of what content works on your page.

Track Website Clicks

Website clicks are the number of people who click on a link posted to your social media account. Links can go to anything from your website, the products / services you offer, articles to Google Forms. Clicks are the best result you can get from social media. This means that someone has not only manipulated your content but has taken additional steps to learn more about your brand / product.

You can use website clicks to test the effectiveness of your website. For example, if you have high clicks but low conversions, you know that the problem is with your website, not your social media.

Response Rate Tracking

Response rate is the frequency with which customers interact with the page. This metric is as important as measuring engagement and reach as it shows how satisfied your customers are with your service. The faster you reply to DMs, comments, mentions, and tagged posts, the higher your response rate. We recommend using Google Analytics as this is a difficult indicator to measure.

Free Tool for Measuring Success

Understandably, the above calculations can be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, we have compiled a list of free tools to help with this.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that allows you to track the activity of your website. You can use Google Analytics to see which social channels are driving the most traffic to your website. You can use this data to determine which social channels are working and which aren’t working in your campaign. This allows you to eliminate non-functional social channels or rate the content you post. To take advantage of this, add a unique UTM link for each social platform so you can identify the one with the most clicks.

Facebook Insight

Facebook Insights is available to anyone who has a Facebook page. You can view page views, page likes, post reach, and engagement at any time. You can also see how much of the page’s reach is due to organic and paid marketing. These insights help you assess how much content is being consumed and whether paid marketing is working.

Instagram Insight

Instagram Insights is available to anyone with a business account. These insights show how many followers you’ve earned over a particular period. That accounts you have reached, how your content interacts, and more. To analyze your audience and see their location, age group, gender, time and data to determine if you have successfully targeted the right audience.

Twitter Insight

Similar to Instagram, you can use Twitter Insights to see your followers grow over the past year. This is a great indicator for tracking account growth and reach. Twitter insights provides a deeper understanding of your audience. You can see their location, gender, time zone, topics they are interested in, and more.

In addition, it allows you to link to the URL of your website so that you can see if someone is tweeting your URL. You can track clicks in the Link Clicks section.


Here are all the steps necessary to run a successful Social Media Campaign for your business or yourself. The main key to a successful social media campaign is to never lose hope. And keep on going back to the drawing board to figure out what might be going wrong.

For more information about social media marketing campaign, you must go through our previous

Step 3: How To Manage A Successful Social Media Campaign In 4 Easy Steps: Step 3

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