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The Importance of Color Psychology in Logo Design!

Logo Design

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A well-designed logo plays an important role in product sales. It helps the company to grow its product sale and profit margin by creating a recognition and awareness of the product. Nowadays, most of the companies invest a lot of money and time designing logos. So, let us have a look at why these logo designs are important for the product sale and how it has an overall impact on the organization.

SI Global Solution Private Limited is one of the most reputed Integrators and consultancy companies in the world, with a presence globally. It helps to design the best logos to market your product. Their mission is to design, develop, and implement different methods in a professional manner for the growth of different companies. Let us discuss how this company involves itself to provide you the best services of colorful logos to attract the customer and improve the sale of the product.

Importance of logo Design!

A company logo is its important asset, which creates a positive image in the customer’s mind. It plays an important part in the company’s overall earning. Logo design boosts the sale and helps to create a market grip as well. Look at the logos of Apple, Nike, and Starbucks. Their logos are memorable, and it is the only reason they are running millions these days because logos influence people. The most interesting facts about these logos are none of them reveals what they produce or sell.

How do colors play with human psychology?

Colors have a major impact on customers. Most customers buy the product because of the creative logo design. Have you ever thought about why Barbie dolls are pink, why its packaging is pink? Why is this pink color associated with the doll? It is because the pink affects the girls the most, not the boys. The target audience is teenage girls’ that is why all the dolls usually wear pink dresses. Logos designs must be according to the target audience. It will increase the sale of the product.

  • Choosing bright colors contributes to the strongest emotional trigger in your logo because colors are directly linked to the emotions in human phycology. It is very important to choose your color wisely; a single color can influence the viewer to buy your product.
  • Most people use blue in their logos. For example, global logos like Facebook, Pepsi Samsung Intel, HP, have some amount of blue in their logos. Blue is a sign of dominance.
  • The mixture of bright and vibrant colors is a sign of youthfulness and energy.
  • Black and white is the combination of elegance, categorized as maturity. Nike and Adidas are an example of black color logos.

Your color choice will always affect the personality of the brand and will also help in increasing the sale of your products.


Logos always work as a representative of the brand, but their design, color, and font should be creative and aesthetic. Always remember a company’s reputation and respect are connected to its logo, so choose your logo wisely to increase the sale of your product.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]