ICT Solution & Digital | Software Development Services  Company



The Construction and Land management of Sindh had been a tough practice. It took an individual a struggling effort to get their land issues and permits sorted through various departments under the Sindh Building and Control Authority. The need was to set up a Single Window Solution that offers all the service settled at a single station


SI Global Solutions offered their services as the System Integrator for the Single Window Solution project. The team offered and executed complete infrastructure, from networking, hardware deployment including workstations, servers, international standard SMD wall, surveillance system, Queue Management System, PABX, AP’s and Printing Solution, The project is also set to integrate a Micro Data Centre (SMART RACK) at the site along with the Disaster Recovery Solution.


With effective teamwork, SI Global Solution had been able to deploy all the required products on-site well within the reported timelines. This accelerated the speed of the entire project helping the software side of the project to test deploy the software solution on the servers and perform the Q&A.

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Ued vehicula mattis purus. Curabitur at pretium odio, sit amet tincidunt erat. Pellentesque fringilla rutrum nisl, nec vulputate libero mattis vel. Integer bibendum metus ac metus varius, eget vestibulum arcu.

Gaaga Process Img 2

Curabitur at pretium odio, sit amet tincidunt erat. Pellentesque fringilla rutrum nisl, nec vulputate libero mattis vel. Integer bibendum metus ac metus varius, eget vestibulum arcu. Sed vehicula mattis purus.

Gaaga Process Img 3

Integer bibendum metus ac metus varius, eget vestibulum arcu. Sed vehicula mattis purus. Curabitur at pretium odio, sit amet tincidunt erat. Pellentesque fringilla rutrum nisl, nec vulputate libero mattis vel.


Pellentesque fringilla rutrum nisl, nec vulputate libero mattis vel. Integer bibendum metus ac metus varius, eget vestibulum arcu. Sed vehicula mattis purus. Curabitur at pretium odio, sit amet tincidunt erat.


Eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagit

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Curabitur ac interdum ex, ut porttitor augue. Maecenas nibh ligula, bibendum sit amet tristique id, semper at odio. Maecenas ornare porta lobortis. Pellentesque vestibulum non magna in sagittis. Nunc est magna, luctus quis arcu quis, tempor laoreet lorem. Donec vestibulum pretium eros, sed sollicitudin est aliquam sed. Aliquam id lacus imperdiet, hendrerit velit eu, eleifend nulla. Maecenas pharetra turpis diam, vitae venenatis velit laoreet eu. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris quis semper ligula, in eleifend tellus. Donec rutrum sem non placerat ultrices. Suspendisse fringilla leo et neque malesuada suscipit eu ac elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ligula lectus, egestas sit amet lorem vitae
Dymond Nisha
Founder – ceo